Spotify App High Cpu Usage

  1. Spotify App High Cpu Usage Software
  2. Spotify App High Cpu Usage
  3. Cpu Usage App Windows 10
  4. Android Cpu Usage

The Antimalware Service Executable or MsMPEng.exe is a Windows service responsible for carrying out security tasks and keeping your PC safe from threats like viruses and malware. It may happen that the MsMPEng.exe service is utilizing unusually high CPU resources. Although it’s quite normal for the Antimalware Service Executable to utilize high CPU usage at times, you will know its unusual when this keeps happening more than often.

According to the task manager, Spotify uses about 0 to 50% CPU usage (Quadcore?!) and RAM usage about 400 MiB to 1.1 GiB. Edit: It seems that spotify doesn't release the unused RAM properly. If you click radomly through some apps the amount of used RAM will increase fast but doesn decrease after switching apps. No, usually it's the apps that are currently open that take 40-80% of the CPU. Apps that usually don't require much like Messenger, Opera, Spotify, or even the System itself. Not even the games I usually played used that much. I've ran an advanced scan w/ Windows Defender Security Center and it found no viruses.

As a background task, the Antimalware Service Executable is not supposed to utilize fore than 50% of the CPU resources, that too for a relatively shorter duration. But, if the service continues to utilize high CPU resources (at time more than 50%) continuously and affects other applications from running smoothly, you must take action against it.

Is Antimalware Service Executable a virus?

One may think that the MsMPEng.exe is a virus owing to its high CPU usage, but it’s not. It is a default Windows service that is meant to keep your PC safe from external threats. The unusually high CPU usage of this service may occur because of internal conflicts in your PC.

Before you look for solutions to get rid of the Antimalware Service Executable service in your PC, here are a couple of things you should make sure of:

Is the MsMPEng.exe service occupying more than 50% of the resources?

Usually this service should occupy somewhere around 50% of the resources. If its way more than 50%, then there could be an issue.

For how long has the MsMPEng.exe service been consuming high CPU resources

If the service bothers you every now and then, or been there for more than a few minutes, then you must look for solutions. This service usually is active for a few minutes, and releases the CPU resources as soon as it is done with its task.

Solution 1: By Disabling Real Time Protection

The Real Time Protection feature in Windows 10 is associated with the Antimalware Service Executable service. When you disable the Real Time Protection, the MsMPEng.exe service won’t be triggered automatically, sparing the high CPU usage it has been consuming. Follow the steps below to apply this change in your PC:

Step 1: Open the Settings app by pressing the Win + I keys. When in Settings app, select the Update & Security option.

Step 2: In the Update & Security window, go to the left pane and select the Windows Defender option. Now, go to the right pane and use the toggle switch below the Real-time protection to turn it off.

After making this change, exit the Settings app and restart your PC. After the restart, check whether the MsMPEng.exe high CPU usage issue is still bothering you.

Solution 2: Change Windows Defender Scheduling

Windows Defender is scheduled to carry out scans on your PC after regular time intervals. If you do not want the Antimalware Service Executable service bothering you with high CPU usage, you can disable its scheduling. For this, you will need to make changes in the Task Scheduler. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Press Win + S on your keyboard to open the Windows Search panel. Here, type schedule, then from the search results select Task Scheduler.

Step 2: You will see an array of panels in the Task Scheduler window that opens. Go to the left most panel and navigate to the following location:

Step 3: Now, go to the top middle panel where you will see four Windows Defender tasks. Make a right click on each of the tasks and select the Disable option.

After applying the changes, close down the Task Scheduler window. Restart your PC now. The Antimalware Service Executable high CPU usage issue won’t bother you anymore.

Solution 3: Try Third-Party Antivirus Software

The Windows Defender in your PC is assigned the task of protecting it from threats. While performing timely scans in your PC, the Windows Defender may get stuck due to certain issues. This is reason behind MsMPEng.exe high CPU usage. One of the methods to stop this service from affecting your PC’s performance is by running a third-party Antivirus software.

Here are some of the Best Free Antivirus Software for Windows 10. Install any of these antivirus on your PC. By doing so, the Windows Defender will be disabled on your PC, as the security is taken over by the Antivirus software. This way, you will not be facing any issues related to the Antimalware Service Executable service.

Solution 4: Disable Windows Defender

If you want, you can even disable Windows Defender permanently in Windows 10. Although there is no direct setting in Windows to switch off Windows Defender permanently, you can do so by making some tweaks in the Registry Editor.

Before making in changes in the Registry Editor, it is always a good idea to create a Registry Backup. This way, you can revert back the changes you made in Windows Registry in case anything goes wrong, or if you want to enable Windows Defender back. Here is how to backup Registry Editor settings in Windows 10.

Let us checkout the steps to disable Windows Defender in Registry Editor:

Step 1: Press Win + R button on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box. Here, type regedit and press the Enter key.

Step 2: In the Registry Editor window that opens, go to the left pane. Here, go to the left pane and navigate to the following location:

Step 3: Go to the right panel now. Here, you will find a key named DisableAntiSpyware. Double click on it to edit the value of the key. A new sub-window will open. Here, in the Value data field change the value to 0 (zero) as shown in the screenshot below. After entering the value, click on Ok to save the changes.

Now, exit the Registry Editor and restart your PC. Once the PC restarts, the Windows Defender will be disabled permanently. Spotify premim google home mini free. This way, the Antimalware Service Executable high CPU usage issue will no longer bother you.

Now, whenever you feel the need of Windows Defender on your PC, you can always go back to the Registry Editor, follow the same steps mentioned above, and change the value from 0 to 1.

Solution 5: Add Antimalware Service Executable to Windows Defender’s Exclusion List

Another way to get rid of the MsMPEng.exe process choking up your PC’s resources is by adding it to the Exclusion list of Windows Defender. The fix might seem complex to execute, but is very simple; follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Settings app on your computer. In order to do so, simply press the Win + I keys together. In the Settings app, select the option named Update & Security.

Strep 2: In the Settings app window, select the Windows Defender option available on the left pane. Now, select the Add an exclusion option that is available on the right pane under the Exclusion section.

Step 3: On the next window that opens, go to the Processes section and select the Exclude a .exe, .com or .scr process.

Step 4: In the next screen, type MsMpEng.exe in the box as shown below, then click on the Ok button.

That is it. This will exclude the Antimalware Service Executable process from the Windows startup processes list. This way, you will not be troubled by high CPU usage anymore. Just restart your PC once after applying the above settings.

Closing Words

Spotify uses too much cpu

You can pick any of the solutions mentioned above to get rid of the Antimalware Service Executable high CPU usage issue in Windows 10. In case you end up disabling Windows Defender, we highly recommend using an Antivirus software on your PC. It is important for you to keep your PC safe from threats like virus, malware, and spyware attacks.

Do not forget to mention which of the above methods worked for you and how. It would be really helpful for other users facing similar issues.

Recommended for You:

To help you completely get rid of wsappx taking high disk and CPU usage on Windows 10, we collected the three most effective fixes for you.

Workable SolutionsStep-by-step Troubleshooting
Fix 1. Disable Windows StoreGo to Local Computer Policy > Computer..Full steps
Fix 2. Extend Virtual MemoryType performance in Search and high Enter..Full steps
Fix 3. Check/Clean Disk Internal ErrorDownload EaseUS free partition manager..Full steps
Fix 4. Change Value of AppXSVCOpen Registry Editor on your computer..Full steps
Fix 5. Scan and remove virusRun anti-virus software on your PC..Full steps
Fix 6. Troubleshoot in Clean BootType MSConfig in Search and hit Enter..Full steps

What Is Wsappx

Wsappx is a process that runs in the background on your Windows 10/8 computer as a part of the Windows Store and the Universal app platform of Microsoft.

Mostly, wsappx includes two separate background services - AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) and Client License Service (ClipSVC) on Windows 10. If you are using Windows 8, you will see AppXSVC and WSService (Windows Store Service).

Wsappx is used for installations, updates, and uninstallation of Store apps, so once you are done installing all updates, you don't need it.

Wsappx High Disk and CPU Usage Issue

But at times you may face situations where you find that the wsappx is using high disk, CPU, and even memory in Task Manager as shown below.

When you see wsappx hogging much of your CPU or Disk usage, in some cases, you will see wsappx (2) or wsappx (3) takes high disk usage, what would you do to fix wsappx taking the high disk and CPU usage on Windows 10 and speed up your PC? Let's learn the reasons that causes wsappx taking up high disk pace first.

Why Is Xappx Using So Much Disk or Space?

To find the correct resolution to resolve wxappx high disk or high CPU usage issue, you should first know why is wxappx taking so much space. Here are the reasons:

  • Wsappx will activate and use CPU, disk, etc. resources when you're using Microsoft Store.
  • Wsappx users more resources when you download an app or install an update as it needs them for the install process.
  • When you install traditional desktop software, the installation process will take up resources, high CPU and disk uage.
  • Apps updating in the background will also cause wsappx high CPU or high disk usage issue.

From what we know, this is a common problem in Windows. We have some effective solutions to help you get out of this situation.

Can I End Wsappx? Fixes for Wsappx High CPU/Disk Usage Available Here

So how to efficiently get rid of the Wsappx high CPU and high disk usage issue on your computer? Here we've collected 6 practical resolutions for you to follow and get rid of this issue from your PC immediately:

  1. #1. Disable Windows Store
  2. #2. Extend Virtual Memory
  3. #3. Check and Clean Disk Internal Error
  4. #4. Change Value of AppXSVC in Registry
  5. #5. Scan Your Computer to Check Virus
  6. #6. Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

The provided methods work to fix this error on both Windows 10 and Windows 8.

Solution 1. Disable Windows Store to Fix wsappx High CPU Issue

Windows Store is one of the major causes of wsappx high CPU issue. And you can effectively disable Windows Store by using Local Group Policy and Registry Editor.

Follow to see how to disable Windows Store on your computer now:

#1. Use Local Group Policy

Step 1. Press the Windows logo key + R then type gpedit.msc and click 'OK'.

Step 2. Enter Local Computer Policy and go to Computer Configuration.

Select 'Administrative Templates', expand Windows Components, and double-click to open 'Store'.

Step 3. Select 'Turn off the Store application' and click 'Edit policy setting'.

Step 4. Change the status to 'Enabled'. Click 'Apply' and 'OK' to save and exit.

After the above steps, you can start your PC to check whether this solution works or not. If this solution fails to fix the high disk usage problem, please move on solutions below.

#2. Use Registry Editor

Note that Windows Registry Editor is a non-beginner application, and it mainly works for administrators to control applications and change settings on Windows computer.

Any false operation may cause serious results. Therefore, we suggest you be very careful while following the steps to disable Windows Store so as to resolve the wsappx high disk usage issue.

Step 1. Type regedit in Search and hit Enter to bring up Registry Editor. Click 'Yes' to open it.

Step 2. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsStore.

Step 3. Create a new DWORD value within the Widows Store keys and name it as 'RemoveWindowsStore', set the value as '1'.

Save the changes and exit Registry. Then you can restart Windows service.

Note that when you disable Windows Store, third-party Windows Store apps and programs won't be able to installed or updated. If you want to enable the installation and update, you'll need to enable Windows Store by using the above two recommended methods - disabling 'Turn off the Store application' or change the value of RemoveWindowsStore to '0'.

Solution 2. Extend Virtual Memory

Another efficient solution that can fix wsappx high disk usage or high CPU usage issue is to extend the virtual memory. And here are the steps:

Step 1. Type performance in Search and high Enter, select 'Adjust Appearance vs. Performance in Windows'.

Step 2. Go to the Advanced tab, click 'Change' under Virtual Memory section.

Step 3. Uncheck 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives', then select the OS drive and click 'Custom size'.

Step 4. Set the Initial Size equal to your RAM size in MB, and the Maximum size to double of the Initial Size.

Step 5. Click 'Set' and 'OK' to keep all the changes.

Then restart your computer. You can check if this helps to resolve the high CPU issue.

Solution 3. Check and Clean Disk Internal Error

For those who got this problem very recently, performing a disk check should be taken into account. Sometimes, when a disk captures internal error or unknown file system mistakes, the computer may not run properly, coming up with high disk usage or high CPU error.

In order to perfectly solve this case, you will a reliable tool for help - EaseUS free partition tool.

This professional tool can help get this work done, and here is the detail:

Step 1: Open EaseUS Partition Master on your computer. Then locate the disk, right-click the partition you want to check, and choose 'Check File System'.

Step 2: In the Check File System window, keep the 'Try to fix errors if found' option selected and click 'Start'.

Step 3: The software will begin checking your partition file system on your disk. When it has completed, click 'Finish'.

When you finish all the steps, reboot your Windows 10. Go to Task Manager to see if the disk usage of wsappx is normal.

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Solution 4. Change Value of AppXSVC in Registry

According to some experienced administrators, it seems that changing the value of AppxSvs in Registry may also help to resolve the wsappx high CPU or high disk usage error.

Here are the steps:

Step 1. Open Registry Editor on your computer.

Step 2. Navigate to this path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesAppXSvc.

Step 3. Locate the key and change the Start value on in the right panel to '4'.

Step 4. Click 'OK' to save the changes and exit Registry.

After this, restart your computer to see if the problem has been changed.

Solution 5. Scan Your Computer to Check Virus

Most people often ignore that in certain cases, this problem is caused by viruses or malware infection. If you haven't fully scanned your system with an antivirus program, do it now.

Step 1. Run anti-virus software on your PC and let it scan your whole computer disk.

Step 2. Once the antivirus software finds suspicious files, remove it from your PC.

Step 3. Restart your computer to see if there is any change.

Spotify App High Cpu Usage

Solution 6. Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

Spotify App High Cpu Usage Software

The last way that you can try to resolve the wsappx high CPU usage issue is to perform a Clean Boot. It will make Windows run only on a few essential drivers for settings and startup programs.

This will help you manually resolve the wsappx high CPU or high disk usage issue from startup:

Step 1. Type MSConfig in Search and hit Enter to open System Configuration Utility.

Step 2. Go to the Genergal tab, click 'Selective Startup', check 'Load system services' and 'Use original boot configuration'.

Spotify App High Cpu Usage

Click 'OK' to continue.

Step 3. Go to the Services tab, select 'Hide All Microsoft Services' and click 'Disable all'.

Click 'Apply' and 'OK' to keep all the changes.

After this, restart your computer and Windows will execute a Clean Boot. It will help to resolve the issue. After this, you can repeat the above-listed steps and uncheck 'Load System Services', save the changes and restart the computer.


Cpu Usage App Windows 10

On this page, we briefly introduced what is wsappx and explained why is wxappx taking so much CPU and disk memory on your computer. A lot of situations may cause wsappx taking high disk and CPU usage problem.

Android Cpu Usage

If you still haven't found effective solutions, try the presented methods on this page. Never hesitate to try and help yourself out.